The success of a successful product or company is defined by its working or development process. There are various frameworks that have been introduced to the world over the time and each of them has their own merits and demerits. Many giant corporate and product development companies have adapted these frameworks in their development process and achieved great success in their domains. Some of the popular frameworks that are well known in the market are Scrum, Waterfall, Lean and Agile. Now, it is very important to understand that how these methodologies are beneficial for a start up. This article will focus on the Agile methodology, its importance and its benefits.
Agile methodology is a process in which a bigger project is broken down into smaller phases or stages by the team of professionals. This process also involves constant cooperation of managers, stakeholders, team leaders, etc. This methodology focuses on the constant improvement of the project and ensures that every small aspect of the project is acknowledged. This methodology starts with clients defining and clarifying their project’s requirements and the solutions it’ll provide to its users.
Once the work process begins, the project team starts planning, executing and evaluating different aspects of the project. The end result might vary with the expected outcome but it will always be better and satisfactory.
Agile methodology can be applied on every project due to its flexibility, reliability and adaptability. It can handle both small and big project very easily. It involves an incremental development strategy that means each updated version of the product can be used.